Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

The brief for our Preliminary task was to compose a video using editing and all of the skills so far in AS Media that displays two characters who exchange two lines of dialogue with each other, using match on action to maintain complete continuity,shot/reverse shot to make it seem as if the characters are having a conversation and the 180 degree rule so that they also seem as thought they are interacting with each other as well as maintaining continuity.

during  pre production we started by gathering together our first ideas with the school idea and the two characters both being students in order to keep it realistic, we then went on to create storyboards for ideas of shots, locations and characters as well as fitting the whole thing into 12 shots for the 12 shot challenge. we ten took photos of locations and the cast members as well as creating a film schedule for the filming process.we then also used miss-en scene to correctly plan our locations for all of the shots.

we filmed the scenes from which we had planned with various different types of shots such as over the shoulder, establishing and long-shot, we filmed each scene twice just to be sure that we had a perfect clip for each scene of the task, it went well as all clips fitted together and we had continuity, as well as the actors playing their roles perfectly and the organisation of the locations and the cast made the filming quick and simple.

we began by learning the basics and experimenting with Adobe Premiere Pro where we went on to make some practice short clips where we trimmed down clips to make the suitable and realistic lengths the added them in order to make a continuous clip we also learnt how to use match on action also creating title clip and adding audio onto the back of clips we did al of these aspects for our preliminary editing and then we rendered the entire work space and exported.

 our  clip meets  the set brief, it shows  different skills including match on action, shot reverse shot and many camera shots, movements and angles. Some of the things stated on the plan changed to make the film more continuous, this made the clip easier to edit and created a more realistic overall clip. I believe the best point in the clip is the match on action when the character is walking towards the door and the camera shot changes into a close up shot of the door handle, the continuity is quite strong as it shows a vast amount of match on action. A weakness is the camera movements not being as accurate as they could be, however this couldn't be helped due to the camera equipment we were required to use to film the clip. We could develop the location of the clip to make the film more interesting, this would also keep the audience  more entertained.  also develop the filming quality to make sure our main task is more successful and more detailed. 

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